As Setraf, we see nature and the environment as our most precious treasure, and we believe that nature and the environment must be protected in the best way possible in order to provide the future with a quality life, which is our most valuable heritage.

Therefore, by adhering to the provisions of national and regional laws and environmental regulations from our customers,
- We will take proactive measures in all activities to prevent air, water and soil pollution.
- We will work to ensure continuous improvement and development in environmental activities.
- We will comply with the environmental obligations of applicable national and international legal and other requirements.
- We will spread our principle of environmental protection to our suppliers, our customers, our environment, our country and the whole world.
- We will organize training and awareness-raising activities for all our employees, subcontractors and suppliers to improve environmental protection awareness.
- We will use recyclable products to reduce waste and minimize their impact on the environment and promote this to all our stakeholders.
- In case of emergencies that may occur during our activities, we will plan and implement measures to minimize our damages to the environment by identifying environmental risks in advance.
- We will reduce costs, increase productivity and long-term profitability by working on the basis of cooperation and trust with suppliers of goods and services to ensure quality, environmental awareness and occupational safety.
- While developing projects related to products and processes, we will determine the environmental impact of the products we produce in advance, minimize waste, prevent pollution at its source and reduce its negative effects on the environment.
- With the understanding that today's waste is tomorrow's scarcity, we will prevent unnecessary consumption in the use of raw materials and natural resources and take preventive measures every year.
As Setraf, we undertake that we will actively participate in all kinds of activities carried out for the protection of the world we live in, and that we will engage in cooperation activities.
We reduce waste consumption by paying attention to the use of recyclable products in our services. We prefer renewable energy sources in our production.