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Preferred Racking Systems for Heavy Load Storage

Before World War 2, pallet racking systems were not very common. The reintroduction of the pallet racking system offered warehouses the ability to store products vertically. After the warehouses took advantage of this advantage, they increased their existing storage capacities by 2 or even 3 times with the advancing time.

Preferred Racking Systems for Heavy Load Storage

Over the years, both the components that make up the storage and the contents, packaging standards and formats of the stored products have changed, so much so that pallets made of specially hard plastic, which are now considered to be more durable and flexible, are sometimes used for heavy cargo storage. These plastic pallets are especially widely used in China. On the other hand, with the development of technology, the composite materials in the steel, which is the raw material of heavy load racks, have been revised to increase durability.

As a result, lighter in weight but more durable composite materials have started to be used in steel content.

In a period when all these factors go through a dynamic process, storage systems that vary according to the purpose, climate, warehouse dimensions, budget, and the characteristics of the stored product have emerged.

For this reason, using the phrase "most preferred" for a storage system can be considered an erroneous concept. For this, using the definition of "storage racking systems suitable for the stored product or the place to be stored" will eliminate misunderstandings.


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