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What are Cold Storage Racking Systems?

Cold storage racking systems are special rack systems designed to distribute the heat evenly in the room and prevent heat loss. While these systems are generally used for food and pharmaceuticals, they are also preferred as chemical warehouse racking systems. Shelving systems in the warehouse ensure proper storage in order to prevent the deterioration of products and to preserve their freshness in low temperature environments.

What are Cold Storage Racking Systems?

Characteristics of Cold Storage Racking Systems

There are some basic features of cold storage racking systems, which are preferred for storing sensitive products that need to be kept at a certain temperature. Those are:

  • It has good thermal insulation to protect the temperature inside from the effects of the external environment. In this way, it preserves the existing temperature.
  • Since cold stores are exposed to low temperatures, shelf systems are produced from durable materials. This ensures that the systems are long-lasting and able to withstand harsh storage conditions.
  • It is designed to provide easy access to stored products. This makes it easier to track and manage products.
  • Cold storage racking systems are generally used on the principle of FIFO (first in, first out). This optimizes shelf life by ensuring materials are placed and removed in the order they enter the warehouse.
  • Mostly they have portable shelves. Shelf ranges can be changed easily according to the dimensions and shape to be taken by the shelf companies.
  • Cold storage shelves with modular structure can be expanded or rearranged easily.
  • Since products such as food and medicine are frequently used in these warehouses, it is hygienic and easy to clean.
  • It is equipped with appropriate safety measures to ensure it stands safely and does not fall.

Purpose of Use for Cold Storage Racking Systems

The purpose of cold storage racking systems is to store products to be kept at low temperatures. These shelf systems are specially designed to preserve the freshness and quality of sensitive products such as food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and so on. The purpose of use of cold storage shelves can be summarized as follows:

Food Storage

Fresh food products are stored at low temperatures, thus shortening their deterioration time. Cold storage racking systems are used to preserve the freshness of various food products such as fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy products for a long time.

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Products

Some drugs and medicinal products must be stored within certain temperature ranges. Cold storage racking systems are safely stored at temperatures suitable for storage conditions.


Chemical products must remain under certain temperature conditions for safety. Storage of such chemicals becomes easier with shelf systems.

Quick Cooling and Freezing

Cold storage racking systems can also be used to quickly cool or freeze products. This is especially important for the storage of fresh and perishable items.

FIFO Implementation

It is generally used with the principle of FIFO (First-In-First-Out). In this way, shelf life management is more effectively terminated and shelf life is optimized.

What is the Difference Between Cold Storage Shelving Systems and Normal Shelving Systems?

There are a few key differences between cold storage racking systems and regular racking systems. These differences also change the usage areas of the racks. The most important difference between the two racks is that cold storage racking systems are used at low temperatures. Normal rack systems are generally designed for use at normal temperatures. This expands the usage areas of normal racks.

Cold storage racking systems have thermal insulation that provides protection against the effects of the external environment. Being protective against the negative effects caused by the cold environment ensures that the shelves are long-lasting.

Although order and control are important in every racking system, this sensitivity is more detailed in cold storage racks. They are designed to provide organized arrangement as stored products require precise inspection. This makes it easier to track and manage products.


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